‘Strapla’ in The Strapla Consulting stands for Strategy + Platform.
The Strapla Consulting Network is a worldwide network of senior professionals from diverse walks of life with the common goal of providing Platform Ecosystem Designing and Strategy to the enterprises wanting to create disruptive ecosystems. Refer www.thestrapla.com for more details about The Strapla Consulting.
TSCN Program
TSCN Program is a global initiative of bringing together senior Platform Strategy advocates with the common goal of providing strategic consulting and advisory services in their individual capacity driven by Digital execution mechanisms. TSCN is a frugal and nimble pool of likeminded consultants with the shared vision for providing digital transformation capabilities to the enterprises. TSCN members will be called Partners or Principals in their practice of expertise. TSCN is basically YOUR OWN community!

What does a TSCN Partner get?
- A Platform to pick independent consulting assignments globally.
- Access to a credible peer group to team up for joint consulting assignments.
- Ability to pitch for consulting assignments in a credible manner by virtue of The Strapla Consulting support and partner network.
- Ability to pick independent projects at the rates of their choice with minimal overheads.
- Access to exclusive TSCN knowledge base (completed project information only up to the extent it is shareable within TSCN but not to public at large)
TSCN Program Structure
TSCN Partners will enter into a Membership Agreement and Non-Disclosure Agreement with The Strapla Consulting which will govern the professional membership. This program is Free for now but there may be a Membership Fee to maintain the TSCN standards.
TSCN Partners will also have to abide by the TSCN Professional Code of Conduct.

TSCN program will have two key cost structures:
Partner Consulting Fee: Partner decides own hourly or fixed rates; however, the rates may vary from project to project considering the overall project circumstances and opportunity size.
TSCN Management Fee: TSCN will front end the project (front ending will again be done by a TSCN Partner) and keep a % of the Total Contract Value as its management fee.
Finder’s Incentive: TSCN partner who brings in the project may be eligible for an additional Finder’s incentive as decided by the project team in addition to the consulting fee. This incentive will be factored in the project’s TCV.
Variable Fee will be a voluntary give away by the project team for the general welfare of TSCN.
Other attributes of TSCN Structure
TSCN Governing Council will be elected by the member partners to govern all the account and partner relationships. All Project Account Receivables and Account Payables will be monitored, controlled, and governed by the TSCN Governing Council.
Taxes and other operating expenses: Since TSCN is a global initiative with partners and projects expected to be originating from diverse geographical regions, there can be diverse Tax liabilities during the project execution.
TSCN Account Lead (Project Leader driving the project) will ensure that the statutory compliances and taxes are adhered to.
Legal Liabilities: Since TSCN is basically a community driven initiative, each project team comprising of TSCN partners will own the legal liabilities. TSCN will absolve itself from any legal liabilities, conflict of interest or confidentiality or any other compliance matters. Any payment disputes will be arbitrated by the TSCN Governing Council however the TSCN governing council will not be liable to financially compensate for the situations of non-payment or payment delays or any other legal liabilities.
IP and Work Products:
TSCN will NOT own the IP for any of the work products of its partners however TSCN will have the right to claim the acknowledgements for its community attributed correctly.
TSCN will also expect that a Case Study and general body of knowledge of the project be shared with the community (after ensuring the confidentiality aspects of the project) for the internal welfare of TSCN as well as for controlled marketing and promotional activities of TSCN.
Why TSCN when we already have Big 4s and boutique Platform consulting firms?
Big4 and other large consulting firms address large enterprise needs. Mid-market enterprises and startups cannot simply afford them. With other boutique consulting firms there is a risk of getting locked into their own delivery capabilities which at times can be questionable. TSCN partners are Non-Employee members which are better placed at providing unbiased services.
Platform Consulting firms have handful of Platform Strategy experts and often have the focus on coaching the Platform Design aspects using various frameworks. However, any enterprise wanting to create an ecosystem or marketplace requires much more than just platform strategy knowledge.
TSCN brings in the Platform Strategy backed by overall business strategy and Digital execution capability by virtue of their diverse background and expertise. Since most TSCN partners are professionals who are either entrepreneurs or senior management professionals they bring in solid execution capability driven by Platform Thinking.
Become a TSCN Partner by submitting your intent here: